content coming soon...
- What is the origin and short history of the violin / viola / cello?
- Who are the main makers in the history of these instruments?
- Who are the most influential players of the violin / viola / cello?
- How does the instrument work? How is sound produced (basic acoustics)?
- What are the parts of the instrument? And inside? What kind of materials are used?
- What are the parts of the bow?
- What about strings? How do I replace old/broken strings?
- Rosin / Chinrest / Shoulder rest / Mutes / Music stand / Instrument stand
- Teaching accessories: tapes / pads / bow guides / chinrest covers
- Should I rent or buy an instrument?
- How do I find the right size (of fractional instruments) for me?
- What should I look for in an instrument?
- I found an instrument in my attic/at a garage sale/online - is it a Strad? What's it worth?
- Hand-made vs. factory instruments. What is a VSO?
- Moving on: trading-in for upgrade / selling / donating your instrument
- How do I care for and maintain the instrument / bow?
- How do I store the instrument? Transport? Pack/ship?
- Checking the instrument and making small adjustments for basic playability
- Baroque instruments: what's different?
- Electric instruments: what's different?
- Carbon fiber instruments / bows
- Do I need a teacher? How do I find a good one? What should I look for in a teacher?
- What common teaching methods are there (Traditional European, Suzuki, etc.)?
- Where can I get music to play? And reference recordings?
- General terms and definitions: melody, harmony, counterpoint, polyphony, rhythm, form, etc.
- The 4 Characteristics of Sound: Pitch (high/low) / Volume (loud/soft) / Duration (long/short) / Tone (bright/dark)
- Basics of reading music: violin / viola / cello
- Solfège (fixed & movable do) / Letter names (A-G, H)
- Staff (types)
- Clefs (treble, bass, alto, tenor, French violin, etc.)
- Stress, Meter & Time signatures (simple, compound, complex, mixed, additive, mensural)
- Tempo markings & variations / Metronome values
- Dynamics & variations
- Articulations
- Expressions
- Rhythm: note values / rests / rhythm dot / tie / “tuplets” / anacrusis / syncopation / hemiola / fermata / patterns / notes inégales / swing
- Counting and syllabization of rhythm (incl. Kodály method)
- Clefs: treble / alto / tenor / bass
- Repeats / Endings / D.C. / Segno / Coda / G.P. / cadenza / vamp / ossia
- Intervals: melodic, harmonic / consonant, dissonant / diatonic, chromatic / simple, compound /
whole steps & half steps / perfect, major, minor, augmented, diminished / enharmonic / inversions
- Keys & key signatures / Circle of 5ths / Accidentals & enharmonics
- Tetrachords and building scales
- Scales: major / minor (natural, harmonic, melodic, Bach) / chromatic / blues / pentatonic / whole-tone / non-traditional
- Degrees of the scale (note functions): tonic, dominant, sub-dominant, mediant, leading note, etc.
- Gregorian (church/medieval) modes
- Basic chords: triads (major, minor, diminished, augmented) / dominant 7th, diminished, augmented / inversions
- Mystic chord / Tristan chord / Elektra chord / Petrushka chord
- Arpeggios: major, minor, 6/3, 6/4, diminished, augmented, dominant 7th, incomplete
- Ornaments: trill / appoggiatura / acciaccatura / mordent / turn / fioritura / portamento / glissando
- Baroque performance style basics / trills and other ornaments / notes inégales
- Baroque dance movements: Minuet / Gavotte / Bourrée / Gigue / Courante / Sarabande / Loure / Musette / other
- About the Bach works for solo string instruments: Violin Sonatas & Partitas / Cello Suites
- Étude (study), caprice / partita, suite / sonata, sonatina / concerto, concertino / miniature, recital piece
- "Sonata Allegro" form: exposition, development, recapitulation, coda
- Tuning / temperament / Pythagorean comma & “expressive” or “tendency” intonation
- Cent, millioctave, savart / quarter-tone, microtone / wolf tone
- Modulation / transposition
- Basso continuo / harmonizing chords / “fake” books
- Conducting patterns and gestures
- Chamber music routines
- Orchestra routines
- What is the origin and short history of the violin / viola / cello?
- Who are the main makers in the history of these instruments?
- Who are the most influential players of the violin / viola / cello?
- How does the instrument work? How is sound produced (basic acoustics)?
- What are the parts of the instrument? And inside? What kind of materials are used?
- What are the parts of the bow?
- What about strings? How do I replace old/broken strings?
- Rosin / Chinrest / Shoulder rest / Mutes / Music stand / Instrument stand
- Teaching accessories: tapes / pads / bow guides / chinrest covers
- Should I rent or buy an instrument?
- How do I find the right size (of fractional instruments) for me?
- What should I look for in an instrument?
- I found an instrument in my attic/at a garage sale/online - is it a Strad? What's it worth?
- Hand-made vs. factory instruments. What is a VSO?
- Moving on: trading-in for upgrade / selling / donating your instrument
- How do I care for and maintain the instrument / bow?
- How do I store the instrument? Transport? Pack/ship?
- Checking the instrument and making small adjustments for basic playability
- Baroque instruments: what's different?
- Electric instruments: what's different?
- Carbon fiber instruments / bows
- Do I need a teacher? How do I find a good one? What should I look for in a teacher?
- What common teaching methods are there (Traditional European, Suzuki, etc.)?
- Where can I get music to play? And reference recordings?
- General terms and definitions: melody, harmony, counterpoint, polyphony, rhythm, form, etc.
- The 4 Characteristics of Sound: Pitch (high/low) / Volume (loud/soft) / Duration (long/short) / Tone (bright/dark)
- Basics of reading music: violin / viola / cello
- Solfège (fixed & movable do) / Letter names (A-G, H)
- Staff (types)
- Clefs (treble, bass, alto, tenor, French violin, etc.)
- Stress, Meter & Time signatures (simple, compound, complex, mixed, additive, mensural)
- Tempo markings & variations / Metronome values
- Dynamics & variations
- Articulations
- Expressions
- Rhythm: note values / rests / rhythm dot / tie / “tuplets” / anacrusis / syncopation / hemiola / fermata / patterns / notes inégales / swing
- Counting and syllabization of rhythm (incl. Kodály method)
- Clefs: treble / alto / tenor / bass
- Repeats / Endings / D.C. / Segno / Coda / G.P. / cadenza / vamp / ossia
- Intervals: melodic, harmonic / consonant, dissonant / diatonic, chromatic / simple, compound /
whole steps & half steps / perfect, major, minor, augmented, diminished / enharmonic / inversions
- Keys & key signatures / Circle of 5ths / Accidentals & enharmonics
- Tetrachords and building scales
- Scales: major / minor (natural, harmonic, melodic, Bach) / chromatic / blues / pentatonic / whole-tone / non-traditional
- Degrees of the scale (note functions): tonic, dominant, sub-dominant, mediant, leading note, etc.
- Gregorian (church/medieval) modes
- Basic chords: triads (major, minor, diminished, augmented) / dominant 7th, diminished, augmented / inversions
- Mystic chord / Tristan chord / Elektra chord / Petrushka chord
- Arpeggios: major, minor, 6/3, 6/4, diminished, augmented, dominant 7th, incomplete
- Ornaments: trill / appoggiatura / acciaccatura / mordent / turn / fioritura / portamento / glissando
- Baroque performance style basics / trills and other ornaments / notes inégales
- Baroque dance movements: Minuet / Gavotte / Bourrée / Gigue / Courante / Sarabande / Loure / Musette / other
- About the Bach works for solo string instruments: Violin Sonatas & Partitas / Cello Suites
- Étude (study), caprice / partita, suite / sonata, sonatina / concerto, concertino / miniature, recital piece
- "Sonata Allegro" form: exposition, development, recapitulation, coda
- Tuning / temperament / Pythagorean comma & “expressive” or “tendency” intonation
- Cent, millioctave, savart / quarter-tone, microtone / wolf tone
- Modulation / transposition
- Basso continuo / harmonizing chords / “fake” books
- Conducting patterns and gestures
- Chamber music routines
- Orchestra routines
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